Wednesday, April 30, 2008

She makes clay cool and chic -
I have been an Inquirer reader since college, but I couldn't afford to buy a copy daily (19pesos rin yun times 30!) so I'd only buy every Wednesday, the day 2bu is regularly published. It has always been my dream for my work to be included in its pages!

A few days after my birthday, I got the best birthday gift ever! I was contacted by my idol writer (i'm a Journ grad, I look up to really good feature writers, teehee). Would I want to be featured on 2bu? Isang matunog na OO ang sagot ko.

Thank you Ms Pam Pastor, sobra! Dream come true talaga.

I'll try to post a scanned copy of the newspaper, mas marami kasi pictures dun. :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Inquirer 2bu! feature

Start:     Apr 30, '08
Friends! Please grab a copy of the Philippine Daily Inquirer tomorrow, Wednesday. They're featuring Angeli's Art Beads on 2bu!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Are you ready for batch 5?

Batches 3 and 4 of the Basic Polymer Clay workshops rocked!  Two consecutive days of teaching has left me exhausted, but very happy.  To see all the creations, and to hear the feedback makes everything worth it.  The participants' work as so creative!

I'm changing the term Basic workshop to Extensive Beginner's. Based on the participants' feedbacks, the term "basic" doesn't give justice to the workshop's extensive and intensive activities. So there you have it, the Extensive Polymer Clay Workshop for Beginners.

Are you ready for batch 5? :)  I'm limiting each class to 4 participants instead of 5; the smaller the group the better. :)  Keeps things very personal, as all your individual techniques are observed carefully, so you'll leave the class like pros. 

10 hours of pure claying bliss await you.  You'll not only learn to make what's uso, but the very extensive class will teach you all the techniques for endless possibilities - only your imagination will stop you.

Everything included, lunch and heavy snacks too!  It's not a WORKshop, it's a party! :)

Send an email, so we can send you the course outline.

WHEN: May 18, 2008 (Sunday)
WHERE:  My residence in Pasig, full details will be disclosed upon registration

*A 1k downpayment is required to reserve a slot.

A little backgrounder:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

. - My Review for Angeli's
"I first met the beadlady, Angeli Sobrepeña, last year at the Rockwell Urban Bazaar. We were neighbors in the booths (me and Julena's; her and Silly Me) at that event and I was witness to how her polymer clay creations and fabulous mannequins were selling like hot cakes..."

Read the complete review on her multiply.

Rose's Space - Rose Collection Redux
"I'm not a ring person, but this intricately (and lovingly?) created rose ring is definitely one for keeps. Part of Angeli's new summer collection released at the Rockwell Bazaar last weekend.

Angeli is one of my fave multiply sellers."

Read more about the review on Rose's site.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

1st Anniversary Contest! And the winner is...

Hello everyone!

We turned one last Monday, yey! It's been one hell of a ride, with all its triumphs and drama, and we are deeply thankful for all your support throughout those months (and the years when I was still a student doing crafts on the side).

In light of this celebration, we want to share to you our joy and express our deep appreciation of your continued patronage through this contest.

We are giving away a necklace from the new collection! The necklace pictured here features an intricate sculptural collage piece set on a brass-plated lead-free frame. You're getting a similar necklace, but not exactly alike (coz this one was sold at the Rockwell bazaar last weekend).

How to grab your hands on this beauty? Simply answer this question:

What is your favorite piece from Angeli's Art Beads, and why?

This contest is open to everyone! Customers and lurkers alike! No purchase necessary. :) So if you've never owned one of my pieces before because they get sold out fast, here's your chance! Best answer wins the prize. :)

Email your answers to with the subject: FAVORITE PIECE. don't forget to send a link or a photo of that favorite piece! :) and please include your full name, complete address, and mobile number. We'll mail you necklace for free. :)

All answers will be posted online after the contest.

Contest ends on April 30, 2008.

This was a tough one! But we had to choose...

And the winner is...

Jamaica Fueconcillo!

"i don't love my necklace just because it's cute, i love it because it's the thought of my papa that comes into me everytime i wear it...."

Nakakatouch mai!

To read the rest of her entry, please click on the strawberry shortcake below.

It was soooo hard to choose, what with the very creative entries we received. Because you made us smile, and you took the time to compose an entry (no matter how long or short it is), we are sending everyone who joined a baby cupcake in June!* The baby cupcakes are the tiny ones worth P250, cute as a button. I'm still thinking if we're sending them as cellcharms, or as pendants.

Thanks for making us smile ladies!

*I know June is a long wait, pero di kaya ng powers ko sooner... ang damidami niyo!


These are the only 2 twodees left from the Rockwell Bazaar.

P300 each.

1.25 to 1.5 inches tall.

These are flat, coz they're 2D. The reverse is plain white.


Monday, April 21, 2008

The year that was

Happy first birthday Angeli's Art Beads! Grabe, what a blessed year. Thank You Lord for everything. On April 21, 2007, I became a full time entrepreneur. Here's the year (plus a couple of months) in review.

February 2007

This crazy roller coaster ride I call my small business caught fire because of this first post in shopcrazy. This post started all the media exposure, and in turn, started the overwhelming response to my work. My deepest gratitude to Ms Steph Dychiu who wrote the article.

March 2007

It was a trying month, what with my dad catching malaria (he's okay now), and my super stressful month at the office. It was also my first summer bazaar ever (i think?).

Grabe, seeing this pic makes me smile. How we changed as entrepreneurs! Far from this tiangge-like stall in last year's AAVA bazaar, our brands (Angeli's Art Beads, Charm's Ichigo, Lara's Silly Me, Nixie's Tacona, and Pao and Joyce's BBB) have now found their identity.

April 2007

April 07 was a month of many firsts. The first ever newspaper article about Angeli's Art Beads was published in the Philippine Star. I remember how I had to sneak out of the office (break naman eh, hehe), head to the pool area of Crowne Plaza where it was bright and sunny, and take photos of my work, to be published. I couldn't afford a professional photog! (I still can't, harhar).

It was also the month of my first on-cam interview. Super ngarag! I was still working that time, so I had no time to prepare for the shoot. After work, I had to dash to the Podium to look for something decent to wear, then head home to bake more pieces. Since I didn't know how to put on makeup, I frantically called people up in the middle of the night, asking if anyone was free the next day. Lara of Silly Me came to the rescue! She somehow calmed my jitters.

I don't think it ever aired though! hahaha.

A few days after, I got another call from another TV station, this time they wanted me to be in the studio for a DIY project. You'd think I'd be more relaxed this time, but I was even more stressed out because it was not just an interview, i would actually have to clay on air. (I cut my finger with the huge clay blade!!!)

I got to meet Ms Lucy Torres and Ms Wilma Doesnt! It was fun chatting with Lucy, coz she was into crafts too! Before the shoot, the makeup artist fussed over me outside the dressing room. Referring to my untweezed eyebrows, he goes "Inday hindi na uso maria clara ngayon!". hahaha. Then proceeds to give me a heavy stroke with the eyebrow pencil, giving me a Betty La Fea-esque look. Uhoh. Teehee.

And a few days after that, I got yet another call from another newspaper. Grabe, April was truly a blessed month!

The Manila Bulletin article was almost one whole spread, and the pictures were great! I am thankful for the opportunity to talk about how the business started, about the whole design process, about everything actually!

As if that's not enough, Us Girls called! I've been a viewer of F (that show with Angel Aquino, Daphne Osena, and um, who was the other one?) in high school, so I was excited to learn that Angel Aquino was hosting my segment. Jodi Sta Maria, another celeb from my couch potato past (Tabing Ilog, hahaha), was the cohost. I made photo jewelry for them, too bad I didn't take pics! The segment was taped at my tita's place in Antipolo. The staff probably found the venue nice, they shot the episode's intro at my tita's garden! haha.

Here I am (the one in red) with cousins Kat and Kristine, and Jodi and Angel.

May 2007

The gang (BBB, Ichigo, Silly Me, Angeli's) got into our first Rockwell Bazaar! I shared a booth with Silly Me Clothing.

I didn't have much clay stuff then, but I had lots of mannequins - and they were a hit!

June 2007

Site views went up like crazy, after the April features and the May bazaars. I couldn't keep up with the demand!

June saw two media features, one online and one on air.

I got featured on! On the day of the interview, the guards at the condo gave the writer a hard time and wouldn't let her in! tsk. Buti nalang I went online and saw her email, that she was stuck outside (so sorry about that Ms Bea). The article was heartwarming, and the photos were lovely!

I got to meet Charlene Gonzales and Marjorie Baretto on At Home Ka Dito. I taught them how to make Id necklaces with clay. We gave a pair of cupcake earrings, a cupcake bracelet, and an Id necklace to an unfortunate girl named Alwynna, who sells bananaque on the streets.

July 2007

In July I started consigning at Peppered Cherry, this chic and cozy store at Serendra.

And my work finally lands on the glossies! Some of my charm bracelets and necklaces got featured on Candy Mag, and my golden heart necklace got published in Cosmo.

I used to collect magazines. I have always dreamed of seeing my designs on a magazine, so this feature on Cosmo and Candy was really a big thing for me!

August 2007

August was another triumph - Preview included me in their pages! It was such a pleasant surprise because I didn't know I'd be featured. I thought all along that they'd simply include a photo of one of my necklaces, like the Cosmo feature in July. But to see my name on that page, along with those other designers, was so surreal.

September 2007

I got to meet Pia Guanio in September. I was featured on Ang Pinaka, her show on QTV11. She was nice! We had a few drinks in a bar near the GMA compound - so surreal! haha. The story: My interview was taped inside the GMA compound. (The staff was very maalaga, by the way!) Rich from Starstruck was the host for my segment, Pia wasn't there. So I asked the staff if I could meet her by any chance? They set a date, and I visited her at one of the show's tapings. Thanks Carol ha! :)  We then went to a bar and had a few drinks. (I was in a ratty shirt and flipflops, and they (Pia and the kind staff of Ang Pinaka) were dressed up - kahiya!)
September was also Candy Fair month. It was so much fun! I blogged about it here.

And I got featured on Kids on Q, this cute kiddie show on QTV. Ella was super cute!

After the shoot, I found out that the Ella was the ghost pala in Sigaw. I am deathly afraid of horror movies, no matter how corny. So my cousins were laughing when they were watching the episode, wondering if I knew who I was talking to! But no, I only learned about it after they told me. Good thing, because it would have been awkward!

October - December 2007

These months were quiet ones, publicity wise. We focused on bazaars and the Christmas gift giving rush. I was home in Bacolod for most of October, and spent time with the family in December.

We had a trunkshow at Ms B's for halloween. That was fun!

Rockwell's third bazaar of the year in November was a huge success! It must be because of my ID that says BREADS. hahaha.

Some of my stuff (the envelope bracelet and mannequin) got featured on 2bu's Christmas list in December, but I don't have a scanned image of that. sayang. The Pretty In Pink teenytiny dress necklace was also published in Woman Today in December, but I don't have a copy of that either! (If anyone has a copy, pwedeng hiramin?)

January 2008

Started the year right and registered the business. Red tape sucks. tsk.

February 2008
Just when I thought I was done with media features, I got a message from someone from ABS CBN, inviting me to guest on Boy and Kris. I was intimidated at the thought of meeting Kris Aquino, and was glad to find out I was meeting Boy Abunda instead. (I have nothing against Kris, just that she can be unforgiving with comments. Kung ang celeb nga nababara niya, ako pa kayang probinsyanang nene?) Tito Boy was super nice, and so was Rachel Ann Go, cohost for my segment. There are celebs who make you feel small, but there are those who make you feel right at home, and these two are good examples of the latter.

A few days after, I got a message from from Achie Pao saying ANC might feature me along with BBB. I didn't take it seriously though, because it was already a few hours before their scheduled shoot, but I still haven't heard from the producer. Then around noon, I got the go signal, so I rushed to the mall to buy something to wear (coz I'd have to look
pormal, this was ANC!). An hour after, I was at the studio, having my makeup done. It was aired LIVE. eeeeek. I may have pulled a Janina San Miguel!

March 2008

We joined the Pinay In Action Bazaar! I had a my yummy cart made for the event - my super creative lolo made it for me! What's great about it was I got to spend the entire week with him, which I have never done before. I didn't know we had so many things in common. He has this workshop full of carpentry/fishing/handyman tools, and for the first time, I saw it in a different light: so many tools for exciting new projects! His helper, his carpenter sidekick, said to me while I was bent over some nails and a hammer, "Mana ka nga sa lolo mo!". I was so proud! hehehe.
Here's a prettier photo of the cart. We improved it by adding a new roof made of a pretty gold and pink pinstripe fabric, and attaching the Angeli's sign on the body instead of hanging it from above. Marco made the roof - the men in my life are so creative! haha.

April 2008

Like the year that was, this month was pretty busy! My 23rd birthday and Angeli's Art Beads' first year anniversary falls on the same month. Plus there are three batches of basic polymer clay workshops this month! Not to mention the Urban Bazaar. Crazy crazy month.

We are grateful for this craziness, for it is what keeps the business going. Thank you Lord for all the blessings, for all the dreams-come-true. The year was by no means all glitz and glam, but it was a fairytale nonetheless.

Here's to another crazy, crazy year.

Angeli's Art Beads turns 1!

Start:     Apr 21, '08 06:00a
Wootwoot! We're 1 year old today!

Thanks for the continued patronage my dear customers and lurkers! :)

We're giving away 1 necklace from the new collection, details to follow later. I'm still waiting for askyummy to go online, need to consult with her about the mechanics.

Rockwell Summerlicious Finds

I'm a lousy photographer - I wasn't able to document the whole event properly! tsk! too many missed moments.

We launched 4 new collections at the bazaar, and introduced updated pieces from a previous collection.

1. The Bitten Collection - people were drawn to the truffles! They thought i was giving out real chocolate samples, hahaha! Thanks to everyone who bought, they're now sold out.

2. Monograms! - chunky letters embellished with clay roses

3. An unnamed collection featuring teenytiny roses, vines, and leaves - we're giving out one necklace worth P250 for our first anniversary! details coming soon.

4. The new tudees! they're these huge cupcake necklaces, cupcakes in 2D!

5. We released new pieces from the poetry collection - but we forgot to take photos of the other pieces! argh!

We also carried Pepper Roxas' notebooks and notepads, they're super duper cute!

And once again, the event was starstudded. Chynna Ortaleza, Regine Tolentino, and Daphne Osena dropped by our booth!

I have to say, I love my yummy cart! I'm so proud of my lolo! :) hehe. And marco made the roof look prettier than the last one. I found this gorgeous gold and light pink fabric, and marco turned it into a scalloped thingy. I love the whimsical feel the checkered floor and the lights gave to the entire setup.

Kids were drawn to the yummy cart! And adults were trying to bite into the truffles! hahaha.

Thanks to everyone who dropped by and said hi! And it was such a treat to see old friends who I haven't seen in years!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lifestyle Bazaar at Fully Booked

Start:     Apr 18, '08 11:00a
End:     Apr 20, '08 10:00p
Location:     Fully Booked, Bonifacio High St.
An uber cool bazaar at the uber cool Fully Booked flagship store in Bonifacio High St.

We're sharing booths with BBB and Ichigo Shoes. New stuff! new stuff! :)

Rockwell Urban Bazaar: Summerlicious Finds

Start:     Apr 18, '08 11:00a
End:     Apr 20, '08 9:30p
Location:     Rockwell Tent
The must-go-to bazaar of the season!

We're launching a new line of products, so please drop by! :) Just look for the yummy cart, you can't miss it!

On leave, offline

hello friends! 

Angeli's Art Beads will be out of reach online from April 16 to April 20.

askyummy will be on leave starting today till after the bazaar to attend to some family business.  I, on the other hand, will be offline too as we prepare for the two bazaars this weekend.  As you know, I make all the yummy clay goodies myself, so you can just imagine the backbreaking, sleepless days towards the bazaar.

The raffle draw winners shall be pm'd later tonight. :)

Please drop by the 2 bazaars this weekend!  I have new stuff you haven't seen yet.  The new stuff is to blame for my swollen fingers, and blindness - they're super duper intricate. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm 23, tsk. (and Angeli's Art Beads is turning 1!)

I'm a year older.  tsk. If only we could all stay sixteen! haha.  Thanks to everyone who texted, sent a pm, emailed, you guys made my day! :)  I'm very mababaw, so it's not hard to make me smile.

sorry di ako nakapagreply sa iba (gixywixy, brends, tita babes, ateen), my phone gave up on me! :(  The phone's number 2 button doesn't work anymore, then it went dead. waaaaaa.

Anyways, Angeli's Art Beads is turning 1!  I know, i know, i started this in college pa.  But it was simply a hobby that was paying for itself back then.  It was last year lang when I decided to do this full time, to turn it into a real business.  Read about it here:

So officially, we're turning 1 on April 21! Yey!

Free Tickets! Rockwell Urban Bazaar 08

Hey everyone! We're joining the summer installment of Rockwell's Urban Bazaar, Summerlicious Finds!

When: April 18 to 20 (Friday to Sunday)
Where: Rockwell Tent

I have 6 extra tickets for the Urban Bazaar (most of my friends are out of town/out of the country, on vacation, tsk), so I'm raffling off these 6 tix!

Simply send us a photo of you wearing Angeli's Art Beads, and email it to with the subject: PHOTO. We'll include it in the "As Seen On..." album. :)

Winners will be announced on April 16, Wednesday. You can claim the tickets at the event, just send me a pm with your mobile number so we can keep in touch.

From the organizer:

Rockwell brings to you its first Urban Bazaar for this year at the Rockwell Tent. This will be the first installment of the highly-anticipated Rockwell Urban Bazaars.

Touted as the premier bazaar shopping destination, the Rockwell Urban Bazaar offers its clientele a unique and satisfying shopping experience. Breaking away from the usual mold of run-of-the-mill bazaars, the Rockwell Urban Bazaar carefully sifts and selects its showcased merchandise. Only the best and the latest, unique, chic and stylish apparel, fashion and home accessories will be offered to our exceedingly discriminating customers consisting of cosmo manilles fashionable set.

This upcoming Rockwell Urban Bazaar will take on the theme Summerlicious Discoveries. It will prove to be the must-go-to event as it will unveil the latest and the hottest trends for the season. Gearing up for your much-anticipated summer vacation destination will be a breeze as racks will be filled with the season's must-have clothing, beachwear, shoes, bags, personal and home accessories brought to you by manila's most promising and creative burgeoning designers and entrepreneurs.

So join us as we bask in dazzling summer discoveries.

Look for the yummy cart!

We're giving away 6 tickets for the Urban Bazaar! To join the raffle, simply email us a pretty photo of you wearing Angeli's Art Beads. Indicate "PHOTO" on the subject, and email it to

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The workshops

How do you pack five years of experience into a one-day workshop? This was my ultimate challenge and goal when I started planning for the basic polymer clay lessons.

I started this business creating average-looking jewelry with the same old materials from Quiapo bead stores. It was just a pastime with no intention of making money, a hobby that soon turned into an obsession. After almost a year of working with copper wire and stringing semi-precious stones and beads through cords, I got bored. Everyone was doing almost the same thing!

So I did a bit of research into designing unique jewelry, and I stumbled upon a book with a few pages about an oven-baked material called polymer clay. The possibilities enthralled me! I searched locally for other designers using this cool material, hoping to get some tips on where to buy it, but I couldn't find anyone into clay (or maybe I just didn't know how to look).

I searched the net but came up with no answers. All directions pointed me to importing the stuff from the US, but that was out of the question at that time. I didn't have the resources to order online (it wasn't so easy back then), so it took me months to actually get my hands on this elusive clay.

I finally found the stuff in a now defunct craft store in Eastwood. Finally, I thought, I could create the designs that were brewing in my head. But fate decided to play a game on me: P150 for a tiny bar? I was a sophomore on a tight budget, so that was equivalent to more than a day's allowance already! Of course I couldn't get just one color – you had to have different hues to make beads. It was frustrating to finally find what you've been searching for, then finding out you couldn't afford it.

It was my cousin Kristine who saved the day (I am forever in your debt, cuz). We split the tab, but she ended up paying for the lion's share (I am so kapal!). So off we went, happy with just three colors. (And I didn't even choose the most useful ones, tsk.)

But little did we know that what you found in books wasn't really the real deal. The book said to roll the clay between your palms to create a round bead. And so we did. But the book didn't say how to control sticky clay, nor did it instruct us how to create the hole without distorting the bead, or why the damn thing never ends up round, or why when I bake the beads in the toaster, they either turn up crumbly or scorched. The book certainly left out a lot of things. I searched for other books but like the first book, they were simply filled with how-tos, not with actual problem solving.

So I called up the craft store, asked if they offered lessons. Yes, they did. For half the price of my entire semester in UP. Yikes. I would save up, I promised myself. But by the time I came up with the money to pay for the lessons, the store was gone, dead, defunct. I was left with no other choice but to learn the hard way.

I wasted many bars of clay, bought the wrong brands, used the wrong materials, scorched beads because of the wrong equipment, spent many hours doing the wrong thing before finally doing it right. In the end, I spent almost the same amount I would have paid for the workshop, but wasted more time than was necessary.

But do I regret being self-taught? No. The years of hard work provided me with enough experience to build the business I have today. The same way experiences make good writers, years of trial and error make good techniques.

So there lies the basis for my workshops: time-tested techniques, beyond what the books offer, beyond what the internet tells you, beyond what you thought you knew.

Call me stupid, but in every workshop I teach, I can't keep my secrets secret. I don't have the heart to send off participants with false information, or with something half-baked (literally and figuratively). I don't want their work ending up like most of the poorly made, carelessly thought-out clay fstuff now in the market. As I always say, strive for perfection. No one can ever be perfect, but you can be close. (Although as one participant said, "too perfect won't make your work look realistic"… so if you're making food jewelry, aim for realism instead. Haha!)

To share that aha moment with the participant – that moment when you see the truth dawn on their faces (ah, ganun pala yun!) – is priceless. More than the financial rewards of teaching, it is my own aha moment I look forward to. Every workshop I teach renews my interest in polymer clay. It keeps my creative juices flowing; it has awakened days of uninspired designer's block. When I take out molds that have long been forgotten and see the participant's face light up after she makes her first charm, it's like seeing everything for the first time all over again. Teaching has given me a fresh perspective, and at this point in my career, nothing beats a fresh idea.

And boy, do I have ideas. There are so many details I want to share in the workshops that I end up getting tongue-tied trying to organize my thoughts. As snippets from a past experience here or a past mistake made there are shared, the course outline I prepared becomes a mere guideline than an actual lesson plan. As I tell my participants, the outline is just the tip of the iceberg.

And the rest of the iceberg? It is presented in a well-planned, easy-to-understand-and-remember approach, thanks to my background in Dev Com. I never would have thought I could tie up my BS degree with this passion for the crafts. (Hard to believe right, considering how technical and noble the field of Dev Com is and how artsy fartsy I am right now?) But as it turned out, all those lessons in journ, edcom, and scicom, and about "bridging the gap between technology and the masses" would prove to be useful in this teaching endeavor. Sounds technical, I know, but all I mean is that I understand how to make technicalese sound like plain English for beginners.

But the workshop is not just for beginners - it's for non-beginners, too. Because the sad truth is, the sudden interest in all things clay has sparked a hasty plunge into commercialization, with handmade clay stuff beginning to look like clones of each other, like the way chunky semiprecious stones and Swarovski jewelry were all the rage when I was starting out.

I've always been critical of mediocre craftsmanship. This is why I decided to teach. This is why I can't keep my secrets. I aim to address this mediocrity, this pwede na attitude. I aim to make others understand the importance of good quality, of striving for perfection. If second-rate products (read: fragile, messily crafted) are continuously introduced out there, then clay will never be taken seriously, despite its potential. I am not an expert, because I do not know everything, but I've made my share of mistakes over the years, and made enough realizations worth sharing.

So how do you pack five years of experience into a one-day workshop? The answer is, you can't. But I will damn try.

Here's to Ms Pars, who patiently waited for a year, who shared her thoughts and made suggestions. I learned a lot from you.

To Ms Ghie, who trusted me enough to make the long trip from Bulacan to Pasig , who always texts to cheer me on.

To Ms Jhasy, who made my day in Alabang last Monday, who was the buena mano but doesn't know it, whose lovely color choices have inspired me.

To Ms Hazel, whose works were prettier than mine, and a beginner at that!

To Ms Bang, who already makes wonderful and unique clay stuff on the onset, but still searched for perfection through the workshop.

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Angeli's Basic Polymer Clay Workshop - batch 3 and 4!

Start:     Apr 25, '08 09:00a
End:     Apr 26, '08 09:00a
Location:     My residence in Pasig, details will be disclosed upon reservation
We've been getting wonderful reviews! :) After the smashing success of the previous workshops, we are happy to open two new schedules this April!

*April 25 (Friday - ONE SLOT LEFT)
9am to 7pm

*April 26 (Saturday FULLY BOOKED)
9am to 7pm

Venue: Angeli's residence in Pasig

The Basic Polymer Clay Workshop will introduce you to the exciting world of polymer clay art. Designed specifically for beginners, the workshop consists of easy to follow, step-by-step sessions that are completely hands-on.

The Basic workshop is divided into specific segments that will tackle different techniques. All segments are hands-on, which means you can expect to create something new per segment. At the end of the session, you will be asked to create a culminating project that applies all the techniques introduced in the different topics.

Although this is a basic class, the workshop is technique-based (as opposed to one-track projects), so you will be equipped with the skills to tackle more advanced projects when on your own.

For inquiries, contact us at Hope to see you there!

The story behind my workshops:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cleaning out my studio: Fimo Soft (SOLD OUT)

I'm in the process of cleaning my studio so I'm purging a few craft materials that I have no use for. Anyone interested in a few FIMO Soft bars? I have tons of clay, and these are my extras. I use a different brand.

P100 lang each. P850 nalang the whole lot if you buy all 10 bars. (In Craft World, this is P200 per bar, on ebay this is P150 yata.) You can use these for practice.

I don't use FIMO Soft because I use a different brand. I just have these kasi mali yung nabili. (But I kept 1 of each FIMO soft color for blending or practice.)

SOLD OUT, thanks for looking!